Computer Maintenance Systems
Many maintenance departments have found that it can be very difficult to schedule and track maintenance using a paper system. Several great computerized alternatives exist. These systems generate work orders on a schedule that you set, provide concise instructions to maintenance employees in executing the tasks, and store maintenance history information in an easily retrievable format. All of this information can be searched, viewed and reported in many different ways. If you are struggling with the difficult task of managing a facility maintenance program, you would benefit from current technology.
We are familiar with the maintenance programs on the market and we can help you select one that will work for you. We enter all of your equipment, tasks and instructions and formulate schedules based on your needs. This leaves you with a fully customized and functioning system that you can start using right away. We provide training in the program and technical support for as long as you need it.
Weld Procedures
Weld procedures and associated documents are required for those companies and employees who weld on pressure piping.
We prepare Weld Procedures Specifications (WPS), Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) and Welder Qualification Records (WQRs) in AWS recommended format. We can help you specify coupons, provide instructions for coupon procedures and help you work with a lab to get your coupons tested. We also write quality control plans for pipe welding contractors and prepare Oregon O stamp programs.