IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health). OSHA and NIOSH roles in establishing IDLH and how IDLH effects workers and emergency responders.
Episode 6 – Notifications
Federal & State oil or anhydrous ammonia spill notification requirements. This week the spotlight is a walk through of the steps of notification in the event of a hazardous spill or release. Of special note are the penalties for noncompliance.
Episode 5 – MSDS Consumer Products
MSDS Consumer Products requirements and exemption. This week, Spot on Safety takes a look at MSDS and the Hazard Communication (“Right-to-Know”) Standard. Highlighted is the often misunderstood “Household Quantity” exemption.
Episode 4 – Eye Wash
Eyewash stations, emergency showers and OSHA’s eyewash standard. This week Spot on Safety focuses on when you need eyewash stations and emergency showers, how they should be configured, and how to be compliant with OSHA’s eyewash standard.
Episode 3 – OSHA Shipyard Standard
OSHA Shipyard Standard changes and industry opinion. This week get the scoop on OSHA’s proposed changes to the Shipyard Standard and how it is affecting the industry from someone who was at the OSHA hearings.
Episode 2 – Emergency Response Plans
Emergency Response Plans & Emergency Action Plans. Expanding on last week’s podcast, we answer the question, “How do I know if I need an Emergency Response Plan or an Emergency Action Plan?” Included are tips on what to do before you even write the plan.
Episode 1 – HAZWOPER
HAZWOPER emergencies, training, & response. This premiere episode of Spot on Safety explains HAZWOPER, defines a HAZWOPER emergency, and breaks down the training required to respond to an emergency.